
Friday, July 11, 2014

From a (Hopefully) Human, for All of The Humans.

Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.
Long time since I finally decided to write on my blog again, but tonight, I really think it's time. From years ago, I feel that this is something I always want to spit out; the reason behind my silence, or my words, or basically, my believes.
It explodes again. There is something going on out there, or in here, again. Whether this thing never really started or ended, we'll never know, but the point is, it's the thing that right now, in this very moment, we can't turn our heads without seeing; Gaza is burning again.

Kita semua sudah tahu bahwa apa yang terjadi di sana tak pernah benar-benar dimulai atau dihentikan--it had been that way before we were even an infant in our mothers' womb. All you know is that it is what's happening, that the war had never stopped--ketika tak ada serangan, itu hanyalah "gencatan senjata". Maka "perdamaian" hanyalah masa di antara "gencatan senjata" menuju "gencatan senjata", hingga akhirnya masa itu habis dan hidup kembali menjadi "ledakan" menuju "ledakan". We had accepted this fact the way it is, and we fire rockets, pull the triggers, kill people, HATE PEOPLE without understanding why. Perang telah menjadi budaya, dan gue takut, gue benci fakta bahwa kita semua sudah lupa apa yang telah menjadi begitu penting sehingga kita tega saling membunuh saudara. Gue benci fakta kenapa kita harus membenci, membunuh, dan pada akhirnya, mendiskriminasi. Gue benci.

Sori. Mungkin gue aja yang nggak bisa mengerti apa yang kalian, orang-orang bicarakan. Tapi kita, para manusia ciptaanNya, telah membuat teori. Kita mempercayai teori ciptaan kita, yang kemudian menumbuhkan perasaan-perasaan tertentu. Dan kemudian those theories catch fire. And then hatred grows, and fears spread. And then you watch them die, and you burn those flags, and you legitimate an action of hatred to be a defense for a side that you stand in, and then the world will be a place of defending our place, and of despising those who don't. But why?

But it's a fact. War exists. It is real. But my question is, is the reason behind it real enough to make one? Is it? I don't want to swallow every single thing that they cram into our throats in a heartbeat without questioning why; itulah kenapa ketika teman-teman gue berkata #PrayForGaza, gue masih diam. Itulah kenapa ketika mereka cerita, teman mereka yang berkeyakinan lain justru berkata #PrayForIsrael, gue tetap diam. Gue bukannya tidak ingin membela saudara-saudari seiman dengan gue dalam aksi diam gue, tapi gue punya pertanyaan; kenapa kita nggak bisa mendoakan mereka semua? Kenapa kita nggak bisa mendoakan mereka, simply karena mereka adalah manusia, dan karena kita juga masih manusia? Kenapa kita harus memilih-milih siapa yang akan kita doakan, berdasarkan siapa mereka, tinggal dimana mereka, apa kebangsaan mereka, dan apa keyakinan mereka? Kenapa kita harus membuat begitu banyak garis batas? Gue ingin mendoakan semuanya, gue ingin mendoakan dunia; simply because I live in it and I feel wounded to have our home being so full of hatred and war. Why do we teach our young ones to hate our opponents? Why do we make "the opponent" figure in the first place? Why do we turn into monsters, and hate people because they kill our brothers and sisters? Why do they kill our brothers and sisters in the first place? And why do we think that when I say "brothers and sisters", it means a certain group of people who has the same religious views with us, why can't we LOVE every human being unconditionally, like brothers and sisters, without making lines? Kenapa kita tidak bisa mencintai sesama? Kenapa?

Cinta tidak seharusnya buta. Tapi cinta seharusnya tidak pandang bulu.

Gue yakin, pasti bakal banyak sekali orang-orang yang tidak setuju sama postingan gue ini. But it's okay. It will be very heartwarming if there are some people who can feel me, tapi gue nggak boleh memaksakan kehendak. Karena kalo iya maka apa bedanya gue sama yang tadi gue bahas?

Well then, what is there that is left to say? What do I want? Yes, to say it in clear; I want peace. I want peace. But I know. I think maybe we all know. It is written in the Holy Book that I have faith in. It is written as fate. We knew what will never end as long as the world still rolls. Kita tahu apa yang tak akan pernah rampung selama jantung semesta masih berdetak. We knew. And I don't know if there is anything that we can do about this. I don't know.

So at least; at the very least; let me do one noble thing that I know; let me pray. For the whole world. For the entire world. For all of the people. I wish I do have the power to be able to think of every kinds of human being, I wish I can, and to pray for them. I want the world to be okay, and maybe that is too much to ask, so please, just let me pray. For the people to have love. For the people to give love. For all of us to share a huge, huge embrace. For those who are being pointed by the guns, and for those who hold the guns. For us so that His mercy will always be there for us. Because I want the world to be as okay as possible. Because they are all humans. Because I want to be a human. Because we are all humans.

Kebetulan, earlier this evening, I had a conversation with one of my brightest friend and our conversation topic touches this book; Dunia Sophie. Gue udah pernah baca buku ini beberapa tahun lalu, tapi I didn't really understand it because I was 14 years old or so. Kebetulan, ketika gue sampai rumah, gue ngesearch quotes dari buku itu, dan gue menemukan quotes ini, yang menurut gue begitu luar biasa. So here I am, writing this post, with my Dunia Sophie by my side, and I want to quote this because I want you people to read this;

Satu tentang peperangan ini:

"Di kota itu terdapat banyak sinagoge (Yahudi), gereja (Kristen), dan masjid (Islam) terkemuka. Oleh karena itu, sungguh tragis bahwa Jerusalem justru menjadi sumber pertikaian--ribuan orang saling bunuh karena mereka tidak dapat mencapai kesepakatan tentang siapa yang berhak menguasai "Kota Abadi" ini."
-Dunia Sophie, hal. 246 (Jostein Gaarder)

Dan satu lagi yang menurut gue paling penting;

"Belakangan ini, orang-orang dari berbagai negara dan kebudayaan semakin bercampur dan membaur. Orang Kristen, Muslim, dan Buddha mungkin tinggal dalam sebuah bangunan apartemen yang sama. Dalam hal itu, adalah lebih penting untuk menerima kepercayaan masing-masing daripada menanyakan mengapa setiap orang tidak memercayai hal yang sama."
-Dunia Sophie, hal. 205 (Jostein Gaarder)

I'm praying for the best for our world, aamiin ya Robbal alamiiinn.

Thanks if you appreciate,
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.